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Billing FAQ

At Audatex, our mission is to add value to our clients.

We aim to achieve this in true Ubuntu style by sharing information, creating transparency and increasing productivity.


When are you billed for a quote?

  • The quotation is calculated.
  • Any changes are made to the Sub – Model options
  • A different manufacturer is selected
  • Standalone VIN search.
  • A quote is re-calculated in the following calendar month after first calculation.
  • Unused quotes are not carried over from one month to the next.

NB: The Audatex system cannot be used to access price information without incurring a quotation fee.


Billing in advance

  • The chosen quotation package as detailed in your contract will be invoiced in advance at the beginning of the each month.
  • Payments via debit order receive a 2% discount.


Billing in arrears

  • When the chosen quotation package is exceeded you may continue quoting on a per quote rate.
  • These quotes are referred to as extras. The extras will be invoiced to your account at the end of the following month.


Effective Billing Dates

  • Normal billing takes place from the 1st to the last day of the month.
  • If the installation is completed before the 15th of the month the billing will be effective as of the 1st of the current month.
  • Should the installation commence after the 15th of the month, billing will be effective from the 1st of the next month.


Late Payment

  • Defaulting in payment will result in the suspension of the Audatex system.
  • In the event of suspension, the customer will not be able to access the database and will not be able to generate quotations.
  • A reconnection fee of R1166 excl. vat (Reinstallations)
  • The reconnection may take up to 24 hours.


Itemized billing

  • Itemized billing is available on request.
  • For more details please contact accounts department on:


Tel: 011 875 8920 or 011 875 8936

Email: [email protected]


Annual Increase

Irrespective of when a contract is signed.

  • All costs are subject to an annual price increase. Increase letters are sent to clients in November and the prices will increase in January of the following year.
Procedure for Santam Approved MBR’s on Abuntex when handling a Santam Assessments
1. Santam creates an Abuntex Shell assessment on all motor and LDV claims. If you are a Santam Accredited Shop with an agreement in place, Santam will network the Shell assessment to you.
The Shell assessment must be used to capture the damage details and then networked back to Santam with all the required photographic evidence and any documentation relevant to the assessment.
2. The MBR must work from the Shell and not create a new assessment. Where the MBR is not in possession of a Shell, the MBR must contact Santam and request the Shell to be networked to the MBR.
3. Ensure that Santam Insurance Company is always selected as the work provider and not changed to any other work provider.
4. PLEASE ensure that you follow the correct procedure, if not followed, you will be liable for the full cost of the Abuntex quote and the cost will not be allocated to Santam.
5. Santam captures the claim number on the Shell networked to the MBR. This must not be changed by the MBR in anyway.
6. It the above procedure is not followed, the MBR will be held liable for the cost of the Abuntex assessment.
NB: Audatex cannot move, relocate or reverse the cost during or after the billing process.
SAS: Any work required by SAS due to the MBR not being Abuntex process capable, will be billed for by SAS on the agreed procedure. SAS cannot create a Shell on behalf of Santam or the Independent Assessor

Procedure for Santam Approved MBR’s On Abuntex for Care of Binder Holder Assessments
1. Ensure that Care of Binder Holder is always selected as the work provider and not changed to any other work provider.
2. You MUST capture the vehicle registration number AND a VALID Binder Holder claim number at the time of creating the assessment.
3. Ensure that all the compulsory fields are complete.
4. The Binder Holder claim number / reference number must be correctly captured in the initial quote, you will be liable for the cost of the assessment if the claim number is incorrect or captured after the initial calculation.
NB: Audatex cannot move, relocate or reverse the cost during or after the process.
SAS: No work can be done by SAS for any Binder holder Assessments

Procedure for Independent Assessors on Santam Assessments
1. You must work on the Santam created shell for all Santam claims. The Santam scheduler will network the required Shell to you.
2. Ensure that Santam Insurance Company is always selected as the work provider and not changed to any other work provider.
3. Santam captures the claim number on the Shell networked to the MBR and yourself. This must not be changed by the MBR or you in anyway.
NB: Audatex cannot move, relocate or reverse the cost during or after the process.
SAS: Any work required by SAS due to the MBR not being Abuntex process capable, will be billed for by SAS

Procedure for Independent Assessors on Santam Care of Binder Holders Assessments
1. Ensure that Care of Binder Holder is always selected as the work provider and not changed to any other work provider.
2. You MUST capture the vehicle registration number AND a VALID Binder Holder claim number at the time of creating the assessment.
3. Ensure that all the compulsory fields are complete.
The Binder Holder claim number / reference number must be correctly captured in the initial quote, you will be liable for the cost of the assessment if the claim number is incorrect or captured after the initial calculation.
NB: Audatex cannot move, relocate or reverse the cost during or after the process.
SAS: No work can be done by SAS for any Binder holder Assessments.